Make Self-Storage a Priority this Holiday Season
Make Self-Storage a Priority this Holiday Season
It’s that time of year again. The Christmas and New Year holidays. A time to pat oneself on the back. To reflect on successes. Wave goodbye to another year. Choose a handful of resolutions, improvements to make in the coming twelve months.
Now, we get it. For most of us, the end of the year can be frantic. Getting everything boxed off before a much-earned break can be enjoyed. Work. Home. Shopping for a culinary feast. Let’s not forget gift buying for all those special people in your life and appreciating all that we have to be thankful for. The list of things to do can seem never-ending.
But once that holiday season arrives, most of us have time to reflect on the status quo. Even if it’s a few days, even an hour here or there. The things we’d have done differently. The choices we’ve made.
Knowing our priorities can often be something that we can only see once we take a step back. Have time to reflect. Fortunately, there is no better time to do this than the holiday season.
Below we’ve made the case for why you should make self-storage a priority this holiday season. Whether you’re reading this as Christmas Day approaches or at the turn of 2023, here’s a handful of essential tips to ensure that you optimise the organisation of your home – and by extension your life.
The Time Might Have Come to Store Anything You Don’t Use
Minimalism may have been strongly touted in recently years – Marie Kondo has built a brand on her ‘spark joy’ Japanese philosophy, encouraging everyone to discard all the belongings they own that which don’t immediately conjure an emotive feeling – but most of our homes are still full of stuff that we don’t need, want or use.
Now, sure, most of us have those sentimental and superfluous belongings. An old birthday present, that extra duvet your cover that only comes out of a closet when you have a guest or three, that living room table and chairs you bought at auction but have never really managed to find a home for. But do you really want to keep everything you own inside your home?
A better solution might just be to take a look around. Examine what you do and don’t need and then put into storage what you feel you can live without. A few decisions could reinvigorate your home – and make your living space feel so much larger, especially when each room in the home has seen so much action throughout the holiday season.
Decide What You Need and What You Don’t
We can’t mention the seasonal celebrations without talking about decorations. There’s the Christmas tree, the wreath, reams and reams of tinsel, nick knacks, stockings and everything else that seemingly manifests in the home during the festive season.
Do you really need to store Christmas or any seasonal decorations, like Halloween or Birthdays for instance, in your home all year round? Wouldn’t it be a better solution to put box after box into self-storage until the occasion arrives?
Whilst you’re at it, take a look around your home interior. Is there anything else that you’re not quite ready to part with just yet, but is taking up unnecessary space in your home?
We’re thinking that bookcase you don’t need because you only read novels on a tablet or Kindle. Perhaps you’ve an old sofa in the garage that you want to keep. Maybe you’ve downsized in recent years and now’s the time to finally implement some Feng Shui in your home. If so, making self-storage a priority could be just the thing to do this holiday season.
But why? You may be thinking to yourself that you don’t want to make self-storage a priority this season. You’ve a tonne of other things to do. The last thing that you want to do is start considering what to put in storage. If this sounds like you, keep reading!
Why Get Started During the Christmas and New Year the Holidays
Now that you’ve finally got some time off work – and day-to-day life – there’s not better time to have a sort out. Don’t get us wrong, we’re not suggesting that you spend hours every day, scrupulously examining every nook and cranny in your home, putting excess belongings into boxes. But is there any other time of year when you can spare an hour or five each day to get organised? We don’t want to be presumptuous, but we’re guessing that there isn’t.
Remember too that Christmas Day will come and go before you know it. Then comes Boxing Day. The day to start sorting things out. Putting stuff in boxes. Hoist the Christmas tree back into the loft (if you’ve decided not to put it in storage, that is!), plonk all the decorations back into boxes.
Before normal life resumes – and considering you have a day of tidying tradition on the twenty-sixth of December, why not spend a little extra time organising what could be put into storage? Do this and you’ll be able to start 2023 on the right foot. With an ordered home – and an ordered mind.
Get Everyone Involved
Christmas and New Year is a time for the whole family to enjoy time together. For parents and children to be appreciative for each other, what they have, the good memories they have and those they’re yet to make.
Any activity during the Christmas holidays can feel all the more special. Sure, you may have to drag young Jack from his Xbox and Jill from her iPhone and Mum and Dad from their laptop or iPad but getting them involved with sorting out the home is a good way to get everything organised quicker! The trick is to make sure the kids don’t see it as a chore. Make it a game. Fun, if you can and you’ll have a group of happy helpers, working together to improve the home they all share.
Having everyone’s input means that you can make decisions quicker, get more into self-storage, only store what everyone doesn’t immediately need – potentially saving crossed words and the odd argument in the near future – and have a good, proper clean out!
Now, we know, getting kids exited about tidying up, deciding which of their belongings they’re happy to be put into storage sounds like a tall order. However, why not give it a try. After all, a few extra pairs of hands could make your life so much easier!
Make Self-Storage a Priority This Holiday Season
Sure, the Christmas and New Year holidays isn’t traditionally considered to be the time to sort your home out – that’s usually the big spring clean – to put everything that you don’t immediately need into self-storage and drastically improve your home. But is there any other period throughout the year when everyone can spare the time to get organised? We think you’ll struggle to find one!
Why not start a new tradition this year. Use your free time productively and use the self-storage assets available to you to make your home easier to live in, organise, even keep clean.
So, what are you waiting for? It only takes a few hours to make your home life so much easier… for the whole of 2023!
Our Self Storage Solutions
No matter what your self storage requirements you’re guaranteed a fully accessible and secure self storage service with extended hours access.
Moving home? Looking to create more space? We will help you store your personal belongings safety and conveniently.
Easy Access Self Storage is a leading self-storage company in the Manchester area. We’re not just a storage company, we provide an impeccable service to meet even the most exacting of requirements.
To find out more about how we can help you efficiently manage all your storage needs at an affordable cost, and receive four weeks’ storage FREE of charge, give us a call today on 0161 431 5222.
Tailored storage solutions for your business. Whether you have an excess of stock or are relocating, we can help you.
Easy Access Self Storage is a leading self-storage company in the Manchester area. We’re not just a storage company, we provide an impeccable service to meet even the most exacting of requirements.
To find out more about how we can help you efficiently manage all your storage needs at an affordable cost, and receive four weeks’ storage FREE of charge, give us a call today on 0161 431 5222.
Get the best deals for students across the Manchester area. Contact us today for affordable prices on short and long-term storage.
Easy Access Self Storage is a leading self-storage company in the Manchester area. We’re not just a storage company, we provide an impeccable service to meet even the most exacting of requirements.
To find out more about how we can help you efficiently manage all your storage needs at an affordable cost, and receive four weeks’ storage FREE of charge, give us a call today on 0161 431 5222.
Our 24-hour secure facilities are the ideal place to store your vehicle. If you can’t garage your car or want complete peace of mind, we can help.
Easy Access Self Storage is a leading self-storage company in the Manchester area. We’re not just a storage company, we provide an impeccable service to meet even the most exacting of requirements.
To find out more about how we can help you efficiently manage all your storage needs at an affordable cost, and receive four weeks’ storage FREE of charge, give us a call today on 0161 431 5222.

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Although many companies claim to, we really do think outside the box, ensuring all your storage needs are covered from start to finish.
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